Iruna Online , Build and Stat Assassin (2019)

Elemental Set
Mirror Throw/Uroboros/Eventail/Fallen God Chakram ◇Elemental
Ira ◇Ideaus
Barbarotita ◇Ideaus
Disaster Stone/Specia Blessed Stone ◇Ideaus

Damager Set (STR420+)
Mirror Throw/Uroboros/Eventail/Fallen God Chakram ◇Elemental
Bellow of Order ◇Ideaus
Ogre Shield ◇Ideaus
Disaster Stone ◇Ideaus

STATUS Assassin

This is the formula for DEX Assassin > 245-25(Skill Delayx2)
For example if i have Cheltil , Ultimi Last Up and Sauro II Al , I have 2,5s Skill Delay , and this is the formula

The Assassin class is quite easy to play , use Hawk Eye for +15 Dex , and Execute also Darkness if the boss element is light and use Phantom Step , after that spam Backstab till the boss Died xD

3Green + 2Red = Full Atk + Eva

Al Crysta :
▲Sauro II
▲Sauro III

Credit : Antcient


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