
Iruna Online , Build and Stat Job 3 (2019)

There you go , all list of Build and Stat of Job 3 in iruna , just click the job u want xD Build and Stat Paladin Type : Tank Damage : ★★★☆☆ Survive : ★★★★★ Support : ★★☆☆☆ Build and Stat Gladiator Type : Balance Damage : ★★★★☆ Survive : ★★★★☆ Support : ★★☆☆☆ Build and Stat Beast Knight Type : Damage Damage : ★★★★★ Survive : ★★★☆☆ Support : ★☆☆☆☆ Build and Stat Assassin Type : Damage Damage : ★★★★★ Survive : ★☆☆☆☆ Support : ★☆☆☆☆ Build and Stat Sniper Type : Damage Damage : ★★★★★ Survive : ★★☆☆☆ Support : ★★★☆☆ Build and Stat Summoner Type : Balance Damage : ★★★☆☆ Survive : ★★★☆☆ Support : ★☆☆☆☆ Build and Stat Enchanter Type : Balance Damage : ★★★★☆ Survive : ★★★★☆ Support : ★★★☆☆ Build and Stat High Wizard Type : Damage Damage : ★★★★☆ Survive : ★★☆☆☆ Support : ★★☆☆☆ Build and Sta...

Iruna Online , A stat that you should know how it works

Attack , Defense , HP , MP formula There is 2 types of attack , there is ATK and MATK , both of them can get higher based on your Weapon Refinement , Weapon Stats , Buff such as ATK/MATK +x / +x% , Status , and Melee & Magic. Melee affect your ATK , while Magic affect your MATK , both of them raises your stat greatly , how does it works ? let's take a  look Physical Attack Formula [ATK + Weapon ATK Value + Own Lv - Enemy Lv - Enemy DEF + (Random Numbers)] × (1 + Attribute Coefficient) + (Melee) let's say my level gap is 0 and enemy def is 50 also i'm using a weapon with 300 ATK , and my base ATK is 3000 [3000 + 300 + 0 - 50 + 50] x (1+4+1) = 3300 x 6 = 19.800 if i'm using ATK+20% vs Melee+20% let's compare it [(3000+20%) + 300] x 6 = 3900 x 6 = 23.400 (ATK+20%) 3300 x (1+4+20) = 3.300 x 24 = 79.200 (Melee+20%) but since getting an Melee Equipment is hard , and raising it with low base ATK is useless , we should get the great combination (don't forget you nee...

Iruna Online , Tips and Trick #1

1. The set that you should know Resist Set (Avoid High Damage that caused by normal attack boss) Genius , Throat Knife , Falconet Licht Armor Sieger Plate / Lucioscudo Catura Talisman , Necklace of Mortification , Fortitude Ring Slot : Iniliba Ailment Set (Avoid getting ailment such as Poison , Burn , Freeze etc.) Lime Star / Ama no Habakiri Gold Armor Duel Shield Catura Talisman Slot : Rogelio Main Quest Set (To avoid dying in aggressive mobs) Jade Ricus Hulam Nemes Sieger Plate Myrica Wrestlet Slot : Max HP+20% Damage Cut Set (Unkillable if your HP below 25% and the damage didnt give you OTK) Yggrasil Bow Heinrich Mail Sieger Plate / Wolf Pup Chapeau Fortitude Ring Slot : Max HP+20% Disable Set (Will turn the damages into null or heal <Need Autoskill +%>) Genius , Dagger of Reflection , Throat Knife slot Frederico Dragon Mail Last Up slot Bodyguard Cordal Ensis Shield or Blue Epaulette slot Rudolph/Pole Coral Hairpin / Specia Blessed Stone slot Ja...

Iruna Online , Important Things

So this post is here to tell you about the future of this blog also more important things like , Leveling Calculator from Iruna Forum , Leveling Production Chart from Iruna Achemist Indonesia etc. Click Here to download maps , leveling calculator and also a production list so basicly i will try to post more "Data" about iruna like comparison againts SBS and other 1s Special , or How to farm effectively , how to earn some spina while you are low level , basicly it was easy i will post it later so in this post i want to say to you all my readers , i already Quit Iruna , BUT , i will post any news about Iruna till the end of December , reworking some stuff like equip (if the meta changed by rebalance) or even some scammer list (its hard because i need a proof and evidence) i would say very thank you to you all , because every click on my post it will give me more strength to upload new content :") thanks  Next Content : Fact about Iruna , How to ge...